Our series of open tours continue with rail companies, rail societies, enthusiasts and National Trade Press having the opportunity to view the low emission CBD90 Hybrid+™ Diesel locomotives in build for Tata Steel.
The locomotives are one of the largest UK locomotives in build for over 20 years!
The latest tours involved 20 visitors.
The itinerary involves a company presentation, a workshop tour followed by a Q&A session, with Managing Director, Clive Hannaford.
Employee of Tata Steel for 34 years and a self- confessed rail enthusiast, Andrew Baker, said “It was so refreshing to hear of a British success story in this field of manufacturing. I loved learning more about the history and future prospects of Clayton. The open day idea was inspiring, and I learned so much about how the locomotive technology is changing. Understanding how the hybrid tech works for Tata Steel is really interesting. Top marks. Super visit. Met all expectations”.
Fellow enthusiasts all commented on how the presentation and workshop tour was excellent and very informative, pointing out that “Clive’s knowledge is fascinating”.
David Forse summed up the session saying, “I am very impressed with what I have seen at Clayton Equipment, very friendly staff, helpful information and the facilities are very clean and tidy. You can see the staff take pride in their work turning out quality locomotives”.
Our tours continue this week and we look forward to meeting those of you who are booked onto the visit.